Weimaraner Group: Gun Dog
Height : 23-28 In. Weight: 70-90 Lbs.
Coat: Shorthaired—Short And Fine; Longhaired—1 To 2 Inches Color: All Shades Of Gray
Standard: Head: Moderately long. Eyes: Set apart, shaded of light amber, gray or blue-gray. Ears: Set high, long, and
slightly folded. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite:
Scissor or level. Neck: Moderately long, slightly arched. Top-line: Level. Chest: Well developed and deep. Body: Medium-sized.
Back is moderate in length. Legs: Forelegs are straight and strong. Hind legs are strong and well developed. Feet: Compact
and webbed, toes arched, pads thick. Tail: Docked. Movement: Good reach, with well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic,
free-spirited, with good movement.
Welsh Corgi-Cardigan Group: Herding
Height : 10-12 1/2 In. Weight: 25-38 Lbs.
Coat: Short And Stiff Color: Red, Black, Sable, Brindles, Tricolor, Blue Merle; White Not Permitted Standard: Head:
Fox-like in appearance. Skull is wide and flat between the ears. Eyes: Medium to large, widely set. Ears: Larger and more
rounded than the Pembroke. Also set farther apart. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored
according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Moderately long and muscular. Top-line: Level. Chest: Moderately broad, prominent
breast bone. Body: Fairly long in proportion to height and strong. Legs: Forelegs have slight bow. Hind legs are well muscled
and strong. Feet are smaller and more oval than forefeet. Feet: Large and round. Tail: Fox-like. Movement: Good reach, with
well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Welsh Corgi-Pembroke Group: Herding
Height : 10-12 In. Weight: 24-30 Lbs.
Coat: Medium Length Color: Sable, Fawn, Red, Black & Tan; White On Paws, Chest And Neck Standard: Head: Fox like
in shape. Skull is wide and flat between ears. Eyes: Oval, medium in size, not protruding or deep set. Ears: Medium size,
erect and firm; rounded point. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite:
Scissor or level. Neck: Long, slightly arched, runs into level top-line. Chest: Deep chest. Body: Low to ground. Legs: Forelegs
are short and slightly turned in. Hind legs are strong and flexible. Thighs are well muscled. Feet: Oval with strong pads
and well arched toes. Tail: Docked as short as possible. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited,
yet very lovable.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Group: Gun Dog
Height : 15-19 In. Weight: 35-45 Lbs.
Coat: Straight And Thick, Silky And Slightly Feathered Color: White And Red
Standard: Head: Moderate length, slightly domed. Eyes: Medium in size. Dark or hazel. Not prominent or sunken. Ears: Hang
close to cheeks. Small and become more narrow toward the tips. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored
according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Long and muscular. Top-line: Level. Chest: Deep. Body: Compact, strong and
muscular. Legs: Front legs are straight and well boned. Hind legs are moderately bent. Feet: Round with thick pads. Tail:
Set low, usually docked. Movement: Good reach, with well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good
Welsh Terrier Group: Terrier
Height : 14-15 1/2 In. Weight: 20-21 Lbs.
Coat: Rough And Hard, Thick And Full Color: Black And Tan Or Reddened Black
Standard: Head: Skull is flat. Eyes: Small, dark hazel in color. Ears: V-shaped and small, set fairly high, carried forward
and close to cheek. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite:
Scissor or level. Neck: Arched slightly, of moderate length and thickness. Chest: Deep, with ribs well sprung. Body: Square
with level top-line. Legs: Long for a terrier. Straight and muscular. Feet: Small, round, and catlike. Tail: Set high and
left natural. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
West Highland White Terrier Group: Terrier
Height : 10-11 In. Weight: 14-22 Lbs. Coat: Rough And Wiry; Thick Undercoat Color: White Standard: Head: Fairly broad,
slightly domed skull. Muzzle is slightly shorter than skull and tapers to the large nose. Eyes: Medium and dark, slightly
sunk in head, set widely apart. Ears: Small, erect, set wide apart. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite:
Scissor or level. Neck: Muscular. Chest: Deep. Extends at least to elbows. Body: Compact, level back, presenting a flattish
side appearance. Legs: Muscular and relatively short. Feet: Forefeet are larger than hind feet. They are strong and thickly
padded. Tail: Short, does not extend over the top of the skull. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament:
Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
West Siberian Laika Group: Northern
Height : 20-24 In. Weight: 40-55 Lbs.
Coat: Short And Stand-Off Color: Black, White, Gray, Tan, Or Red In Solid Or Piebald
Standard: Head: Long and Wolf-like. Eyes: Dark in color , set obliquely. Ears: Long, triangular shaped and stiffly erect.
Muzzle: Long and narrow. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Thickly muscled and
strong. Chest: Oval and deep, with belly drawn up slightly. Body: Back is broad and long, with top-line slightly sloping from
withers to tail. Legs: Forelegs are straight and muscular. Hind legs are firm and well muscled, with stifles and hocks well
bent. Feet: Strong, well arched and well covered with hair. Tail: Curled, carried over back on one side. Movement: Good reach,
with well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Westphalian Dachsbracke Group: Hound
Other Names: Westfalische Dachbracke, Sauerlander Dachsbracke Height : 12-15 In. Weight: 33-40 Lbs. Coat: Short And
Thick, Smooth Color: Tricolor As The Deutsche Bracke, Or Red With The Described White Markings
Standard: Head: Chiseled and wedge shaped. Eyes: Medium, almond shaped and light brown in color. Ears: Medium length,
broad, and hanging close to cheeks. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat.
Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, thick and strong. Chest: Narrow, but not too deep. Body: Back is long, with a
dip behind the withers. Loin muscular and slightly arched. Legs: Forelegs and hind legs are short, straight and muscular.
Feet: Round, with toes close together. Tail: Saber curve. Movement: Good reach, with well balanced movement. Temperament:
Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Wetterhoun Group: Gun Dog
Other Names: Otterhoun, Dutch Spaniel Height : 21-24 In. Weight: 33-44 Lbs.
Coat: Thick Curls Cover Entire Body Except For The Head, Bottom Of The Ears, And The Legs
Color: Liver, Liver And White, Black, Or Black And White; Ticking May Appear In The White
Standard: Head: Strong and sizable, equal length with muzzle. Eyes: Medium sized, oblique, chestnut in color. Ears: Carried
close to cheeks. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or
level. Neck: Short, strong, round. Top-line: Level. Chest: Broader than deep, well sprung ribs. Body: Compact and deep, well
muscled and strong boned. Stands square on legs. Legs: Powerful, well set, angulated. Feet: Strong. Tail: Curls over back,
not set too high. Movement: Good reach, with well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Whippet Group: Southern
Height : 17-22 In. Weight: 12-28 Lbs. Coat: Fine And Short Color: Any Color
Standard: Head: Long and lean, wide between ears. Good length of muzzle. Nose is black. Eyes: Large and dark with an intelligent
expression. Both eyes must be same color. Ears: Small and fine, folded back against the head. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck:
Long, muscular, and well-arched. Top-line: Gracefully arched. Chest: Deep. Body: Moderate size hound with body giving appearance
of elegance and fitness. Legs: Forelegs are straight and give the appearance of strength. The hindquarters are long and powerful
with the thighs being broad and muscular. Feet: Well formed with hard, thick pads and strong nails. Tail: Long and tapering.
Carried low. Movement: Swift, but agile. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Whippet (Long Haired) Group: Southern
Height : 17-22 In. Weight: 12-28 Lbs. Coat: Long Coat Color: Any Color
Standard: Head: Long and lean, wide between ears. Good length of muzzle. Nose is black. Eyes: Large and dark with an intelligent
expression. Both eyes must be same color. Ears: Small and fine, folded back against the head. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck:
Long, muscular, and well-arched. Top-line: Level. Chest: Deep. Body: Moderate size hound with body giving appearance of elegance
and fitness. Legs: Forelegs are straight and give the appearance of strength. The hindquarters are long and powerful with
the thighs being broad and muscular. Feet: Well formed with hard, thick pads and strong nails. Tail: Long and tapering. Carried
low. Movement: Swift, but agile. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Wire Fox Terrier Group: Terrier
Height : 15 1/2-16 In Weight: 16-18 1/2 Lbs.
Coat: Wiry And Hard Color: Predominately White; Brindle, Liver, Or Red Is Undesirable
Standard: Head: Wedge-shaped, flat, and narrow. Eyes: Small and dark in color. Ears: V-shaped, small, and drop forward
close to cheek. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level.
Neck: Muscular and medium length. Top-line: Level. Chest: Deep and oval-shaped, with ribs rounded. Body: Back is short, firm
and straight, with loins strong and slightly arched. Legs: Forelegs are perfectly straight, with hind legs muscular and having
hocks well let down. Feet: Round and compact. Tail: Set high and docked. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament:
Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
*Fox Terrier is favorite dog in Sweden, Belgium, Canada, Holland, and Italy.
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Group: Gun Dog
Other Names: Korthals Griffon, Griffon D’Arreta Poil Height : 21 1/2-24 In. Weight: 50-65 Lbs.
Coat: Hard And Coarse, With A Thick Undercoat Color: Steel Gray With Chestnut Markings, White And Chestnut, Or Solid Chestnut
Standard: Head: long with harsh coat which forms mustache and eyebrows. Skull is long and narrow with a square muzzle.
Eyes: Large and open, full of expression. Ears: Set rather high, flat or sometimes curled. Nose: Black and self-colored according
to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Rather long. Top-line: sloping slightly. Chest: Slightly rounded. Body: Medium sized,
strong limbs, fairly short-backed. Legs: Forelegs are straight and muscular. Hind legs have long, well developed thighs. Feet:
Round, firm, and well-formed. Tail: Generally cut to 1/3 its length, carried straight. Movement: Good reach, with well balanced
movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Xoloitzcuintli, Miniature Group: Southern
Other Names: Standard Mexican Hairless Height : 10-12 In. Weight: 8-14 Lbs.
Coat: Hairless; Wisp Of Short, Thin Hair On Head, Nape, Feet, & Tail Tip; Also Powderpuff Variety Color: Skin Colors
Include Charcoal, Slate, Reddish Gray, Liver, Or Bronze; Pink Or Coffee Spots Acceptable
Standard: Head: Broad and strong. Eyes: Medium sized, almond shaped, black to yellow in color. Ears: Large, long, elegant,
and erect. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level.
Neck: Graceful. Top-line: Level. Chest: Broad. Body: Long in comparison with the height. Legs: Straight, powerful, good bone.
Feet: Hare foot, webbed. Tail: Natural, not docked. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited,
yet very lovable.
Xoloitzcuintli, Standard Group: Southern
Other Names: Mexican Hairless, Tepeizeuintli Height : 12-23 In. Weight: 20-30 Lbs. Coat: Hairless, With Tuft Of Short,
Thin Hair On Head And Nape, Feet And Tail Tip Color: Dark Charcoal, Slate, Reddish Gray, Liver, Or Bronze Preferred; Pink
Or Coffee Colored Spots Permissible
Standard: Head: Slender with narrow skull and pointed muzzle. Eyes: Medium sized, almond shaped, black to yellow in color.
Ears: Large, long, elegant, and erect. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Carried
high and is flexible. Top-line: Level. Chest: Broad, with ribs well sprung. Body: Rather perfect in symmetry with a level
back. Legs: Forelegs are straight and strong. Hind legs are powerful, with stifles and hocks bent slightly. Feet: Hare foot,
webbed. Tail: Natural, not docked. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very
Xoloitzcuintli-Toy (Mex Hairless) Group: Southern
Other Names: Mexican Hairless, Tepeizeuintli Height : 10-12 In. Weight: 8-14 Lbs. Coat: Hairless, With Tuft Of Short,
Thin Hair On Head And Nape, Feet And Tail Tip Color: Dark Charcoal, Slate, Reddish Gray, Liver, Or Bronze Preferred; Pink
Or Coffee Colored Spots Permissible
Standard: Head: Broad and strong. Eyes: Medium sized, almond shaped, black to yellow in color. Ears: Large, long, elegant,
and erect. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level.
Neck: Graceful. Top-line: Level. Chest: Broad. Body: Long in comparison with the height. Legs: Straight, powerful, good bone.
Feet: Hare foot, webbed. Tail: Natural, not docked. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited,
yet very lovable.
Yankee Bull Terrier Group: Mastiff
Height : 15-18 In. Weight: 30-45 Lbs. Coat: Short & Smooth
Color: All Colors From White To Black Including Party Or Patched, Black & Tan, Brindle, Or Liver
Standard: Head: Medium length with broad skull, very powerful cheek muscles and distinct stop. Eyes: Dark, round, deep-set
and set wide apart. Ears: Set high, half pricked or rose. Muzzle: Wide and well tapered. Nose: Black and self-colored according
to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Thick, medium length, and slightly arched. Top-line: Level. Chest: Deep, with ribs
close together and well sprung. Body: Moderately short, sloping from withers to loins. Legs: Forelegs set wide apart and straight,
with hind legs being well muscled. Feet: Medium size, well arched and compact. Tail: Short in comparison to the body, tapered
to a point. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
Yankee Terrier Group: Mastiff
Height : 17-24 In. Weight: 60-100 Lbs.
Coat: Short And Smooth Color: All Colors & Markings Acceptable
Standard: Head: Medium length with a broad skull. Cheek muscles are pronounced. Ears: Can be cropped or un-cropped. Un-cropped
ears should be held rose or half pricked. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored
according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, tapering from shoulders to back of skull. Top-line: Level.
Chest: Deep, strong, and broad. Body: Ribs are close together and well-sprung. Legs: Forelegs are set wide apart to permit
development of chest. They should be straight. Hindquarters are well-muscled. Feet: Well arched and compact. Tail: Not docked.
Short and low set, tapering to a point. Not held over back or curled. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament:
Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
Yorkshire Terrier Group: Terrier
Height : 7-9 In. Weight: 7 Lbs. Coat: Straight, Long, Glossy, Silky & Fine Color: Steel Blue With Golden Or Tan Areas
On Head, Chest, & Limbs; Some With Lighter Variations Of Color Acceptable. Standard: Head: Small and flat on top. Not
too prominent or round. Muzzle is not too long. Eyes: Dark in color and medium in size. Ears: Carried erect, small and V-shaped,
set not too far apart. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Good reach of neck. Top-line:
Level. Chest: Deep. Body: Compact, well proportioned. Height at shoulder is the same as at rump. Legs: Forelegs are straight
and hind legs are moderately bent. Feet: Round with black toenails. Tail: Usually docked to medium length and carried higher
than the level of the back. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
Yugoslavian Mountain Hound Group: Hound
Other Names: Jugoslavenski Planinski Gonic Height : 18-22 In. Weight: 44-55 Lbs.
Coat: Thick, Short, Coarse, & Flat; Abundant Undercoat Color: Black & Tan; Grayish-White Markings On The Chest
Standard: Head: Wide, with a conical shaped muzzle. Eyes: Small in size and dark in color. Ears: Hanging along side of
head, with rounded tips. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length and slightly
arched. Top-line: Level. Chest: Deep and broad, with well sprung ribs. Body: Back is straight, broad and strong, with muscular
loins. Legs: Forelegs straight and strong, with hind legs muscular and having hocks well bent. Feet: Small and compact, with
arched toes and hard pads. Tail: Saber, reaching to hocks. Movement: Good reach, with well balanced movement. Temperament:
Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Yugoslavian Tri-Color Hound Group: Hound
Other Names: Jugoslavenski Tribarvni Gonic Height : 18-22 In. Weight: 44-56 Lbs. Coat: Short, Thick, Flat & Coarse
Color: Tri-Color With Lots Of Tan; White Only On Face, Chest, Tail Tip, Feet & Legs. Standard: Head: Long, with a slightly
domed skull. Eyes: Dark brown or black in color. Ears: Long, lying flat against cheeks. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point.
Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, strong and slightly arched. Top-line:
Level. Chest: Deep, with well sprung ribs. Body: Medium size. Legs: Forelegs straight and strong, with hind legs muscular
and having hocks well bent. Feet: Hard pads. Tail: Straight or slightly curved. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing
gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
No Z Breeds