Below is a list of rescues in and around Michigan.
If you run a rescue service for a breed not listed, Please contact us at the link below and we will list your rescue
on this page. Membership is not required to list your rescue, however if a member chooses to list a rescue for the same
breed as your listing, we may have to remove the non-member listing. (Space is limited here, sorry.) We will inform you
before your listing is removed, to offer you membership. At which time, if you choose to join the club your listing will remain.
Please Note: When submitting your rescue group, please give short description and contact information.
Morey Sheltie/Collie Rescue and Placement Lake
City, Michigan Rescue and placement of Shelties & Collies, all dogs placed are pre- spay/neutered. Contact is
Kyle Musselman (231) 878-5676 mshelties@gmail.com