Haldenstovare Group: Hound
Other Names: Halden Hound Height : 19-23 1/2 In. Weight: 44-55 Lbs. Coat: Short, Thick, Shiny Color: White With Black
And Brown Markings; With White Predominating
Standard: Head: Well proportioned. Eyes: Dark brown in color. Ears: High set, and close lying. Muzzle: Medium size and
well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Long, curved. Topline:
Level. Chest: Deep and broad, with well sprung ribs. Body: Rectangular, and compact. Legs: Forelegs are strong and straight
Hind legs are muscular, with hocks and stifles well bent. Feet: Oval. Tail: Thick, carried low. Movement: Good reach, with
well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Hamiltonstovare Group: Hound
Other Names: Hamilton Hound Height : 20-24 In. Weight: 55-60 Lbs.
Coat: Short; Especially Thick In Winter With An Abundant Undercoat Color: Tricolor; Golden Tan With Black Neck And Back;
White On Muzzle, Breast, Feet, And Tail Tip.
Standard: Head: Long, with a slightly domed skull. Eyes: Chestnut in color. Ears: Lie flat. Muzzle: Medium size and well
proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Straight, long, clean.
Topline: Level. Chest: Deep, with ribs well sprung. Body: Rectangular, strong, well muscled. Legs: Straight, muscular. Feet:
Compact, with arched toes and hard pads. Tail: Almost in line with back. Movement: Good reach, with well balanced movement.
Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Hanoverian Hound Group: Hound
Other Names: Hannoverscher Schweisshund Height : 20-23 In. Weight: 85-99 Lbs.
Coat: Short, Thick, And Shiny Color: Gray And Brown, Red And Brown, Yellow And Red, Dark Yellow, Or Blackened Brown; With
Or Without Dark Mask
Standard: Head: Broad between the ears. Eyes: Dark brown in color. Ears: Large, hang close to head. Muzzle: Medium and
tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Long, strong. Topline:
Level. Chest: Large and round. Body: Heavy, medium sized, strong. Legs: Forelegs straight or slightly bent. Hind legs long
and sloping, thighs muscular. Feet: Compact. Tail: Almost straight. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament:
High-spirited, yet very lovable.
Harlequin Pinscher Group: Terrier
Other Names: Harlekinpinscher Height : 12-14 In. Weight: 22-26 Lbs. Coat: Short, Flat, Smooth, And Tight To The Body
Color: Variations Of Harlequin On White, Gray, Or Black Background
Standard: Head: Elongated, with a broad skull. Eyes: Dark. Ears: Cropped. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose:
Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Broad at shoulders, slightly arched. Topline: Level.
Chest: Very deep, slightly barrel shaped. Body: Well muscled, square. Legs: Perfectly straight forelegs. Hind legs are angulated.
Feet: Compact, arched toes. Tail: Docked, set high. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal,
and willing to please.
Harrier Group: Hound
Height : 19-22 In. Weight: 45-60 Lbs. Coat: Short, Coarse, And Flat Color: Any Hound Color Standard: Head: Medium sized
and domed. Eyes: Small, oval and dark in color. Ears: Dropped. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored
according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length. Topline: Level. Chest: Deep and broad, with ribs well sprung.
Body: Back is straight and strong, with muscular loins. Legs: Forelegs are straight, strong and well boned. Hind legs are
muscular and well bent at stifles and hocks. Feet: Round and cat like, with thick pads. Tail: Medium length, carried high.
Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
Havanese Group: Gun Dog
Other Names: Bichon Havanais, Havana Silk Dog Height : 8-10 In. Weight: 7-13 Lbs. Coat: Long, Wavy To Curly, Double-Coated
Color: White, Gray, Beige, Or Speckled White
Standard: Head: Medium length, skull is broad, somewhat rounded. Eyes: Large, very dark, almond shaped. Ears: Dropped,
forms gentle fold. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or
level. Neck: Moderate length. Topline: Level. Chest: Deep and long. Body: Rectangular. Legs: Strong. Feet: Small, compact.
Tail: Carried over back. Movement: Smooth flowing gait, with graceful movements. Temperament: Alert, and a good family pet.
Hawaiian Poi Dog Group: Southern
Other Names: Ilio Height : 13-16 In. Weight: 25-35 Lbs. Coat: Short Color: An Assortment Of Colors Standard: Head: Large
and flat. Eyes: Set wide, almond shaped and dark in color. Ears: Set wide, triangular in shape and held erect. Muzzle: Medium
and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Short and thick, with
a slight curve. Topline: Level. Chest: Barrel shaped. Body: Low, with straight and short back. Legs: Legs are very short,
with hind legs having stifles and hocks only slightly bent. Feet: Small and compact. Tail: Docked. Movement: Good reach, with
well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Hertha Pointer Group: Gun Dog
Height : 23-26 In. Weight: 45-64 Lbs. Coat: Short And Fine
Color: Yellow And Orange With Small White Marking On Feet, Chest, Muzzle, And Tail Tip
Standard: Head: Broad, with a medium length muzzle. Eyes: Medium in size and chestnut in color. Ears: Set high, broad
at base and hanging close to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length,
with a slight dewlap. Topline: Level. Chest: Broad and deep, with well sprung ribs. Body: Back is straight and strong, with
loins muscular and well developed. Legs: Forelegs are straight and strong. Hind legs are muscular, with stifles and hocks
well bent. Feet: Round and flat. Tail: Medium length and tapering to a point. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing
gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
Hovawart Group: Herding
Height : 22-28 In. Weight: 55-90 Lbs. Coat: Long, Thick, And Slightly Wavy
Color: Black, Black And Tan, Dark Blonde, Or Red Fawn
Standard: Head: Broad and heavy. Eyes: Dark in color, and oval shaped. Ears: Triangular shaped. Muzzle: Medium size and
well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Strong, medium length,
and slightly arched. Topline: Level. Chest: Broad, deep, and strong, with well sprung ribs. Body: Back is straight and strong,
with muscular loins. Legs: Straight, strong, muscular. Feet: Closed paws, thick pads. Tail: Long. Movement: Good reach, with
well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Hunters Creek Feist Group: Terrier
Height : 14-23 In. Weight: 12-35 Lbs. Coat: Short And Smooth
Color: Red, Red And White, Black, Black And Tan, Blue And White, Red Brindle
Standard: Head: Medium length muzzle, with a slightly rounded skull. Eyes: Small and dark in color. Ears: Set well on
side of head, wedge shaped, and held erect or semi-erect. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or
level. Neck: Medium length and strong. Chest: Fairly deep and well ribbed. Body: Back is straight and strong. Legs: Forelegs
straight and strong. Hind legs are muscular, with hocks slightly bent. Feet: Small and compact, with arched toes and thick
pads. Tail: Set high and carried erect. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing
to please.
*The Rat Terrier comes in three different varieties: Standard, 12-35 pounds; Miniature, under 8 pounds; Toy, 4-6 pounds.
The Rat Terrier holds the record for killing rats—2,501 over a seven-hour span. Pups are sometimes born tailless.
Hygenhund Group: Hound
Height : 19-24 In. Weight: 44-55 Lbs. Coat: Straight, Thick, Shiny; Not Too Short
Color: Yellow And Red, Chestnut (With Or Without Black Shadings), Black With Bright Chestnut (May Be Combined With White)
Standard: Head: Triangular, broad skull. Eyes: Dark, varies with coat color. Ears: Wide. Muzzle: Medium size and well
proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Long and clean. Topline:
Level. Chest: Deep. Body: Solid, compact, elongated, square. Legs: Solid, muscular. Feet: Compact. Tail: Carried gaily, nut
curled over back. Movement: Good reach, with well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Ibizan Hound Group: Southern
Other Names: Podenco Ibicenco, Ca Eivissencs Height : 22-27 In. Weight: 42-50 Lbs.
Coat: Shorthaired-Short And Hard; Wirehaired-Long (1-3 Inches), Hard, And Coarse Color: Solid White, White And Red, Solid
Red, Or White And Tan
Standard: Head: Long and narrow. Eyes: Oblique and small, clear amber to caramel in color. Ears: Large, mobile. Muzzle:
Long and narrow. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Long, slender, slightly arched.
Topline: Level. Chest: Deep and long. Body: Tall and narrow. Legs: Straight, strong, flat muscled. Feet: Hare foot. Tail:
Long, set low. Movement: Swift, but agile. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Iceland Dog Group: Northern
Other Names: Iceland Sheepdog, Iceland Spitz Height : 12-16 In. Weight: 20-30 Lbs.
Coat: Medium Length, Coarse, Thick, And Stand-Off Color: Black, Fawn, Gray, Dirty White, Wheaten, Or Wolf Sable; With
Or Without White Markings.
Standard: Head: Large, arched skull. Eyes: Small, round, dark. Ears: Tips hang down. Muzzle: Wide and well tapered. Nose:
Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Slightly arched. Topline: Level. Chest: Deep and broad.
Body: Compact, rectangular. Legs: Medium size, high, slender. Feet: Long, narrow. Tail: Carries over back. Movement: Good
reach, with well balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Inca Hairless Dog Group: Southern
Other Names: Peruvian Hairless Dog Height : 10-28 In. Weight: 9-55 Lbs.
Coat: Hairless; Short Fuzzy Fair On Top Of Head, Ears, Feet, And Tail Color: Solid Dark Skin
Standard: Head: Long, slightly wedge shaped. Eyes: Medium size, slightly almond shaped. Ears: Carried erect. Muzzle: Medium
and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Muscular. Topline:
Level. Chest: Narrow and deep. Body: Thin, lightly boned. Legs: Muscular. Feet: Large. Tail: Set low, tapers to a point, long.
Movement: Smooth flowing gait, with graceful movements. Temperament: Alert, and a good family pet.
*There are 3 weight classes of the Inca Hairless Dog: Small, 9-18 pounds; Medium, 18-26 pounds, and Large, 26-55 pounds.
There are also 2 coat varieties: the Hairless, which is standard, and the Powderpuff.
Irish Red And White Setter Group: Gun Dog
Height : 23 1/2-27 In. Weight: 40-73 Lbs. Coat: Straight, Flat, And Slightly Coarse; Feathering
Color: White With Clear Red Patches; Roaning Or Ticking Is Not Desirable, But A Minimum Amount Is Allowed.
Standard: Head: Broad between ears. Eyes: Round and full, dark hazel or dark brown in color. Ears: Set back, lie close
to head. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor
or level. Neck: Moderately long, muscular, slightly arched. Topline: Level. Chest: Deep. Body: Medium sized, well muscled,
powerful. Legs: Straight, well boned, powerful, muscular. Feet: Close knit, feathering between toes. Tail: Moderate length.
Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
Irish Setter Group: Gun Dog
Other Names: Irish Red Setter Height : 20-25 In. Weight: 33-65 Lbs.
Coat: Long, Straight, And Silky; Abundant Feathering Color: Mahogany Or Rich Chestnut Red.
Standard: Head: Long and lean, skull is oval. Eyes: Almond shaped, medium sized, placed well apart. Ears: Set well back
and low. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor
or level. Neck: Long, strong, slightly arched. Topline: Slightly sloping. Chest: Deep, reaching to the elbows, ribs well sprung.
Body: Long and powerful. Legs: Muscular, well boned. Feet: Small, firm, toes arched. Tail: Long. Movement: Swift and very
agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
Irish Terrier Group: Terrier
Other Names: Irish Red Terrier Height : 18 In. Weight: 26-27 Lbs
Coat: Harsh, Coarse, Wiry And Broken Color: Red, Yellowish-Red, Bright Red, Or Wheat Red
Standard: Head: Long, skull is flat, narrow between ears. Eyes: Dark brown, small. Ears: Small, v-shaped, set well on
head. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or
level. Neck: Fair length. Topline: Level. Chest: Deep and muscular. Body: Moderately long. Legs: Strong, muscular, straight
and well boned. Feet: Strong, round, moderately small, toes arched. Tail: Docked, set high. Movement: Swift and very agile,
with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
Irish Water Spaniel Group: Gun Dog
Height : 20-24 In. Weight: 55-65 Lbs. Coat: Thick, With Tight Ringlets On Body And Neck; Smooth On Muzzle; Oily And Waterproof
Texture. Color: Liver
Standard: Head: Large, domed. Eyes: Medium sized, hazel in color. Ears: Long, set low. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to
a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Long, strong, muscular. Topline: Level.
Chest: Deep, not wide between legs. Body: Medium length. Legs: Straight, muscular, well boned. Feet: Large and thick, hair
between toes. Tail: Thick at root, long, tapers to a point. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament:
High-spirited, yet very lovable.
Irish Wolfhound Group: Southern
Other Names: Ireland Height : 28-34 In. Weight: 88-120 Lbs. Coat: Hard, Rough, And Wiry; Longer Over Eyes And Under
Jaw Color: Black, Red, Gray, Brindle, Or White
Standard: Head: Long, carried high. Eyes: Dark. Ears: Small. Muzzle: Wide and well tapered. Nose: Black and self-colored
according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Strong, arched. Topline: Level. Chest: Very deep, not too broad. Body: Muscular
and massive. Legs: Muscular and straight. Feet: Large and round, toes well arched. Tail: Long, slightly curved. Movement:
Swift, but agile. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
*The Irish Wolfhound has great speed and is considered to be the tallest of all dogs.
Istrian Hound (Smoothhaired) Group: Hound
Other Names: Istrski Gonic Height : 18 –21 1/2 In. Weight: 35-52 Lbs. Coat: Short And Fine
Color: White With Yellow Or Orange Markings Primarily On Ears; A Few Markings Allowed On Body Standard: Head: Long
and narrow. Eyes: Dark, round and full, not prominent. Ears: Thin, broad, set on above level of eyes, narrow toward tips.
Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level.
Neck: Strong, without dewlap, slightly arched. Topline: Level. Chest: Moderately broad, deep. Body: Medium sized. Legs: Powerful,
clean, well set. Feet: Compact. Tail: Medium length, carried in slight curve. Movement: Good reach, with well balanced movement.
Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
Istrian Hound, Wirehaired Group: Hound
Height : 18-23 In. Weight: 35-56 Lbs. Coat: Long (2-3 Inches) And Wiry; Wooly Undercoat
Color: White With Yellow Or Orange Markings Primarily On Ears; A Few Markings Allowed On Body Standard: Head: Long
and narrow. Eyes: Dark, round and full, not prominent. Ears: Thin, broad, set on above level of eyes, narrow toward tips.
Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level.
Neck: Strong, without dewlap, slightly arched. Topline: Level. Chest: Moderately broad, deep. Body: Medium sized. Legs: Powerful,
clean, well set. Feet: Compact. Tail: Medium length, carried in slight curve. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing
gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
Italian Greyhound Group: Southern
Other Names: Piccoli Levrieri Italiani Height : 13-15 In. Weight: 11 Lbs. Or Less
Coat: Short, Smooth, And Fine Color: Black, Fawn, Solid Gray, Slate Gray, Red, Blue, White, Or Cream; White On Chest And
Paws Is Permitted.
Standard: Head: Long and narrow, skull is almost flat. Eyes: Medium in size, dark in color. Ears: Small and fine, rose,
set well back on head. Muzzle: Long and narrow. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck:
Long, slender, gracefully arched. Topline: Gracefully arched. Chest: Deep and narrow. Body: Medium length. Legs: Long, straight,
fine bone, well muscled thigh. Feet: Hare foot, well arched toes. Tail: Slender, curled end, set and carried low. Movement:
Swift, but agile. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.