1-Aberdeen Terrier Group: Terrier
Height : 9-11½ In. Weight: 15-27 Lbs. Coat: Wiry & Bristly.
Color: Black, Brindle Or Grizzled, Sandy Or Wheaten, Steel, & Iron Gray.
Standard: Head: Medium width, but proportioned to body. Eyes: Small, dark colored & almond shaped. Set wide apart.
Ears: Small, pointed and carried erect. Muzzle: Straight. Nose: Black and self colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or
level. Neck: Short, thick and muscular. Top line: Level. Chest: Very deep & broad. Body: Short, well muscled and sturdy.
Legs: Short with very muscular thighs. Forelegs should be slightly bent or straight, with elbows held close to the body. Hindquarters
should be well-bent at stifles. Feet: Forefeet larger than hind feet. Tail: Medium length, carried slightly curved or straight.
Movement: Smooth flowing gait, and graceful movement. Temperament: Spirited, but good with children.
*The Aberdeen Terrier was the original name given to the Scottish Terrier.
2-Abyssinian Sand Terrier Group: Terrier
Other Names: African Hairless Dog Height: 15½-20½In. Weight: 21-39 Lbs.
Coat: Hairless Except On Skull & Towards The End Of The Tail. Some Dogs Are Totally Hairless.
Color: Bronze, Elephant-Gray, Grayish-Black, Black, Pale Sandy & Mottled With Rose Ears.
Standard: Head: Broad in the skull, with long, tapered muzzle. Eyes: Medium and Almond-shaped, not bulging. Ears: Large,
bat-like, and thin in texture. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Slightly arched
and thickening as it approaches shoulder. Chest: Deep and broad, with depth on level with the elbows. Body: Level back with
rounded rump. Legs: Slender with hare feet. Tail: Low, long and tapered to a fine point. Movement: Good reach, with well-balanced
movement. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
3-Affenpinscher Group: Terrier
Height: 9-15 In Weight: 6½-9 Lbs. Coat: Dense, Rough, Wiry & Harsh
Color: Black, Black/Tan, Grayish-Black, Bluish-Gray, Dark Gray, Red, & Reddish-Yellow.
Standard: Head: Wide round head, proportioned to its body, with monkey-like facial expression. Eyes: Dark, round and
full. Eyes do not bulge or protrude. Ears: Pointed and held upright. Muzzle: Short, broad and deep. Nose: Black and self-colored
according to coat. Bite: Undershot, teeth should not show. Neck: Short and slightly arched. Top line: Level. Body: Compact,
with a broad and deep chest. Legs: When viewed from the front, the forelegs should be straight, and the hind legs should be
straight when viewed from the rear. Feet: Round, small and compact Tail: Full length and carried over back or docked at 2/3
it length and carried high. Movement: Smooth flowing gait, with graceful movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing
to please.
4-Afghan Hound Group: Southern
Other Names: Tazi, Baluchi Hound Height: 24-29 In. Weight: 45-70 Lbs.
Coat: Silky & Thick, Long & Straight, Short On Face. Color: All Colors Are Admissible.
Standard: Head: Straight, long, narrow head with black or liver brown nose. Eyes: Almond shaped and dark in color. Ears:
Covered with long, silky hair. Carried flat on the head. Muzzle: Long and narrow. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Long, strong,
and arched. Chest: Good depth with spring in ribs. Body: Back appears level from shoulders to the loin. Legs: Forelegs are
strong and straight, with the hind legs having good stifle angulations. Feet: Sizable and covered with long thick hair. Tail:
Ring or curl at the tip. Movement: Swift, but agile. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
5-Ainu Dog Group: Northern
Other Names: Ainu-Ken, Hokkaido Dog Height: 17-23 In. Weight: 40-70 Lbs.
Coat: Medium Short, Thick, Stands Off With Undercoat.
Color: Gray, Wolf-Gray, Light Tan, Brown, Red, White, Salt & Pepper, Sesame, Or Brindle.
Standard: Head: Squared head with clear set nose. Eyes: Dark, small, deep-set and three-cornered in shape. Ears: Small
and held upright. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or
level. Neck: Short, thick and muscular. Chest: Wide and deep. Body: Muscular with level back. Legs: Forelegs are straight
when viewed from the front. Hind legs are moderately bent at Stifle. Feet: Well knuckled with thick pads. Tail: Large, full,
and carried over back or against flank. Movement: Strong and driving, yet very agile. Temperament: Protective and aloof with
6-Airedale Terrier Group: Terrier
Height: 21-25 In. Weight: 40-50 Lbs. Coat: Wiry, Dense & Hard With Some Curl. Has Undercoat. Color: Tan With Black
Or Brown Saddle; Black
Standard: Head: Broad skull, with muzzle long and rather narrow. Eyes: Dark, lively, and small. Ears: Small, folded v-shaped
ears. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length and thick at the shoulders.
Chest: Chest depth should be on level with the elbows. Body: Strong and level, with well-sprung ribs. Legs: Forelegs should
be straight and well muscled. Hind legs should be well bent at the stifles. Feet: Small, compact, and well cushioned. Tail:
Docked, carried high. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
7-Akbash Dog Group: Flock Guard
Height: 27-36 In. Weight: 75-150 Lbs. Coat: Smooth Or Long, With Double Coat, Thick, Fringing On Tail And Back Of Legs.
Sometimes has slight wave. Color: Solid White (Light Biscuit Around The Ears Is Permissible). Black Pigment Of Eye Rims, Nose,
& Lips Preferred, But Brown Is Acceptable.
Standard: Head: Broad between the ears, with muzzle tapering towards nose. Eyes: Almond-shaped and dark in color. Ears:
V-shaped, slightly rounded, and set well back on the skull. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor
or level. Neck: Strong, muscular, and arches at the crest. Top-line: Level. Chest: Long, extending to the elbows, with well-sprung
ribs. Body: Long back that arches slightly over loin. Legs: Forelegs set moderately apart with elbows close to the body. Hind
legs are long and muscular. Feet: Strong arched toes with blunt nails. Tail: Reaches the hocks and may have a curl or hook
at end. Movement: Swift, but agile. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
8-Akita Group: Northern
Other Names: Akita-Inu, Japanese Akita Height: 22-29 In. Weight: 75-140 Lbs.
Coat: Medium Short And Stiff, With Thick Undercoat. Color: All Colors From Solid White To Solid Black, Including Pied
Or Brindle. With Or Without Mask.
Standard: Head: Square and massive but in balance with body. Eyes: Dark, small, deep-set and three-cornered in shape.
Ears: Small and held strongly upright. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat.
Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Short, thick, muscular, and gradually widening towards the shoulder. Chest: Wide and deep. Depth
of chest is approximately ½ height of dog at shoulder. Body: Muscular with level back. Legs: Strong and powerful forelegs
are straight when viewed from the front. Hind legs are moderately bent at Stifle. Feet: Well knuckled with thick pads. Tail:
Large, full, and carried over back. Movement: Strong and driving, yet very agile. Temperament: Protective and aloof with strangers.
9-Alano Group: Mastiff
Other Names: Alano Espanol, Spanish Alano, And Spanish Bulldog Height: 20-25 In. Weight: 50-90Lbs. Coat: Short And
Harsh To The Touch. Color: Includes Yellow And Wolf Gray, All Tones Of Reds And Fawns, With Or With Our Brindling And/Or Black
Mask. White Markings Are Allowed, But Should Not Predominate The Body
Standard: Head: Massive, with a mastiff-like muzzle, but proportioned to body. Eyes: Large and brown in color. Ears:
Medium size, with hanging tips. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Long and muscular,
with well-developed dewlap. Chest: Deep and broad with well-sprung ribs. Body: Back is convex and short, with strong loins.
Legs: Forelegs short, strong and well boned. Hind legs short, with hocks well down. Feet: Compact, short and round. Tail:
Thick at the base and tapered slightly. Carried horizontally. Movement: Good reach, with well-balanced movement. Temperament:
Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
10-Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Group: Mastiff
Other Names: Otto Height: 23-25 In. Weight: 70-110 Lbs. Coat: Smooth And Short.
Color: Black, White, Blue Marbling, Buff, Brown And Spotted.
Standard: Head: Large and box-shaped with a square skull. Eyes: Wide-set. Ears: Naturally dropped. Muzzle: Short, broad
and deep. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Short, thick and muscular. Top-line:
Level. Chest: Broad and barrel shaped. Body: Extremely well muscled with thick, muscular, broad shoulders. Legs: Forelegs
are strong and straight, with the hind legs being heavy boned, covered in hard, powerful muscles, but not as broad as the
shoulders. Feet: Round, rather large and turned slightly outward. Tail: Never docked. Movement: Strong and driving, yet very
agile. Temperament: Protective and aloof with strangers.
11-Alaskan Malamute Group: Draft Dog
Height: 22-27 In. Weight: 70-115 Lbs. Coat: Short, Thick And Stiff, With A Soft, Woolly Undercoat. Color: Black, Gray
And All Shades In Between, With Lighter Mask & Underside Common.
Standard: Head: Wide, but in balance with body. Eyes: Small and almond shaped. Ears: Small, furry, and upright. Muzzle:
Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Strong and moderately
arched. Chest: Strong and deep. Body: Strong and compact, with a straight back that slopes to hips. Legs: Forelegs should
be short and straight, appearing almost vertical when viewed from the side. Hind legs should be broad and powerful, with stifles
moderately bent. Feet: Large and compact, with tight-fitting and well-arched toes. Tail: Large, full, and carried over back
or against flank. Movement: Strong and driving, yet very agile. Temperament: Protective and aloof with strangers.
12-Alpine Dachsbracke Group: Hound
Other Names: Alpenlandischer Dachsbracke Height: 12½-17½ In. Weight: 27-48 Lbs.
Coat: Short, Hard & Coarse Color: Stag Red, Red With Black Ticking, And Black/Tan.
Standard: Head: Broad and of moderate size. Eyes: Round with a lively expression. Ears: Wide, flat and hanging close
to the head. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level.
Neck: Moderately long and muscular. Chest: Round, with sternum protruding noticeably. Body: Back is straight and level, with
short muscular loins. Legs: Forelegs are straight and strong. Hind legs are short, muscular and straight. Feet: Round and
compact with tough pads. Tail: Carried with a slight curl. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament:
High-spirited, yet very lovable.
13-Altman White English Bulldog Group: Mastiff
Height: 15-21 In. Weight: 50-80 Lbs. Coat: Smooth And Short Color: All Colors Acceptable. Standard: Head: Large
and box-shaped with a square skull. Eyes: Wide-set. Ears: Small, high-set rose or flap ears. Muzzle: Short, broad and deep.
Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level, with some slightly undershot. Neck: Short, thick and
muscular. Top-line: Level. Chest: Broad and deep, with well-sprung ribs. Body: Extremely well muscled with thick, muscular,
broad shoulders. Legs: Forelegs are strong and straight, with the hind legs being heavy boned, covered in hard, powerful muscles,
but not as broad as the shoulders. Tail: Usually docked, but, if not, is low lying and long. Movement: Strong and driving,
yet very agile. Temperament: Protective and aloof with strangers.
*This breed can from the old breed known as White English and was reconstructed and developed by Ray Altman of Waycross,
14-American Blue Gascon Hound Group: Hound
Other Names: Big N' Blue, Old Fashioned Blue Tick, Old Time Blue (Tick)
Height : 24-32 Inches Weight: 71-110 Pounds Coat: Short, Very Thick & Dense Color: The Base Color Is Always White,
All Pups Are Born White And Other Colors And Markings Develop As The Dog Matures. Considerable Variations Are Acceptable Including:
All Blue, Tan Trim And Black Or Blue Markings. Color Always Of Darker Shades And Include Blue Tick, Roan, Mottled, Steel Blue,
Blue-Black, Blue Brindle Or Grizzle
Standard: Head: Long and narrow, tapering from temple to muzzle. Eyes: Deep set and varying in color from deep hazel to
yellow. Ears: Set low on head, very long and falling in graceful folds. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite:
Scissor or level. Neck: Long and strong. Topline: Level. Chest: Well let down between te forelegs, with well sprung ribs.
Body: Strong back and loins are slightly arched. Legs: Forelegs are straight and heavy in bone, and hind legs are muscular,
with hocks well bent. Feet: Round, with close, arched toes. Tail: Set high long and tapered. Movement: Good reach, with well
balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
15-American Bulldog Group: Mastiff
Other Names: Old Country Bulldog, Old English White Height: 18-26 In. Weight: 60-120 Lbs.
Coat: Smooth & Short Color: Red Brindle, All Other Brindles, Solid White, Red, Fawn, And Piebald. Standard:
Head: Large and box-shaped with a square skull. Eyes: Wide-set. Ears: Small, high-set rose or flap ears. Muzzle: Short, broad
and deep. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Slightly undershot. Neck: Short, thick and muscular. Top-line:
Level. Chest: Broad and deep, with ribs well sprung. Body: Extremely well-muscled with thick, muscular, broad shoulders. Legs:
Forelegs are strong and straight, with the hind legs being heavy boned, covered in hard, powerful muscles, but not as broad
as the shoulders. Feet: Compact. Tail: Usually docked, but, if not, is low lying and long. Movement: Strong and driving, yet
very agile. Temperament: Protective and aloof with strangers.
16-American Bullnese Group: Herding
Height: 6-12 Inches Weight: 12 - 25 Pounds Coat: Thick, Soft, Dense, And Short
Color: Any Color Is Acceptable
Standard: Head: Massive and square. Eyes: Oval, large, set wide apart and hazel or amber in color. Ears: Small, dropping
back and never cropped. Muzzle: Wide and well tapered. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Undershot. Neck:
Muscular, powerful, and slightly arched. Chest: Deep and broad, with well-sprung ribs. Body: Back straight, short and sloping.
Legs: Forelegs are short, powerful, muscular and slightly bowed. Hind legs are strongly muscled and have hocks well bent.
Feet: Strong, with toes well arched and close together. Tail: Strong at base, slightly curled, covered with short hair and
not reaching below hocks. Movement: Strong and driving, yet very agile. Temperament: Gentle with good pet qualities.
*Bobby Rice of Florida involving the French Bulldog and Pekingese developed the American Bullnese.
17-American Eskimo Group: Northern
Other Names: Spitz Height: 13½-19½ In. Weight: 15-41 Lbs. Coat: Thickset, Straight Spitz Type Color: Pure White Preferred,
But White With Biscuit Or Cream Is Allowed.
Standard: Head: Wedge shaped and proportioned to body. Eyes: Slightly oval, set well apart, and not slanted or bulging.
Ears: Triangular, slightly blunt tipped, and held erect. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored
according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, strong, carried erect, and arched. Top-line: Level. Chest:
Deep and broad with well-sprung ribs. Body: Strong and compact. Legs: Forelegs should be straight to the pasterns with hind
legs being well bent at the stifles. Feet: Oval, compact, and well padded with hair. Tail: Set high and reaches the point
of hock when down. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
18-American Eskimo-miniature Group: Northern
Other Names: Spitz Height: 10½-15½ In. Weight: 10-22 Lbs. Coat: Thickset, Straight Spitz Type Color: Pure White Preferred,
But White With Biscuit Or Cream Is Allowed.
Standard: Head: Wedge shaped and proportioned to body. Eyes: Slightly oval, set well apart, and not slanted or bulging.
Ears: Triangular, slightly blunt tipped, and held erect. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored
according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, strong, carried erect, and arched. Top-line: Level. Chest:
Deep and broad with well-sprung ribs. Body: Strong and compact. Legs: Forelegs should be straight to the pasterns with hind
legs being well bent at the stifles. Feet: Oval, compact, and well padded with hair. Tail: Set high and reaches the point
of hock when down. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
19-American Eskimo-toy Group: Northern
Other Names: Spitz Height: Under 11In. Weight: 6-10 Lbs. Coat: Thickset, Straight Spitz Type
Color: Pure White Preferred, But White With Biscuit Or Cream Is Allowed.
Standard: Head: Wedge shaped and proportioned to body. Eyes: Slightly oval, set well apart, and not slanted or bulging.
Ears: Triangular, slightly blunt tipped, and held erect. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored
according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, strong, carried erect, and arched. Top line: Level. Chest:
Deep and broad with well-sprung ribs. Body: Strong and compact. Legs: Forelegs should be straight to the pasterns with hind
legs being well bent at the stifles. Feet: Oval, compact, and well padded with hair. Tail: Set high and reaches the point
of hock when down. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
20-American Foxhound Group: Hound
Height: 20-26 In. Weight: 55-80 Lbs. Coat: Compact And Hard, Not Too Short.
Color: All Colors Are Permissible.
Standard: Head: Strong but not too heavy. Long and broad in skull. Eyes: Large, set well apart and dark in color. Ears:
Wide, hanging flat on head. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat.
Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, strong, carried erect, and arched. Top line: Level. Chest: Deep and narrow, with
well-sprung ribs. Body: Moderately long, muscular, and strong back. Legs: Forelegs should be straight. Hind legs should be
strong and muscular with plenty of propelling power. Feet: Fox-like, with hard, full pad. Tail: Carried cheerfully with a
slight curve. Movement: Good reach, with well-balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement
21-American Mastiff Group: Mastiff
Height: 28-35 In. Weight: 140-200+ Lbs. Coat: Dense, Short And Thick
Color: Fawn, Apricot And Brindle, All With Black Mask.
Standard: Head: Wide, heavy and rectangular in shape. Eyes: Amber in color. Darker the better. Ears: Rounded and set
high on head. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black. Bite: Scissor. Neck: Powerful, and slightly
arched. Chest: Deep, broad and well-rounded, descending to the level of elbows. Ribs are well-sprung and extend well back.
Body: Back is straight, muscular and powerful, with well-muscled and slightly arched loins. Legs: Forelegs are strong, straight
and set well apart. Hind legs are wide and parallel. Feet: Round and compact, with arched toes and black nails. Tail: Long,
reaching the hocks. Movement: Strong and driving, yet very agile.Temperament: Dignity rather than gaiety; quiet, calm, loving
and loyal. Protective, but not aggressive.
* This breed was developed by Fredericka Wagner of Piketon, OH.
22-American Pit Bull Terrier Group: Mastiff
Other Names: American Pit Bull, Pit Bull Terrier Height: 17-23 In. Weight: 45-90 Lbs.
Coat: Stiff, Short, And Shiny. Color: All Colors Permissible.
Standard: Head: Brick-like, and broad between the cheeks. Eyes: Round, preferably black. Ears: Erect, docked lightly,
and set high on skull. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat.
Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Thick, muscular and well defined. Top-line: Level. Chest: Deep, thick and well sprung. Body:
Strong, muscular and slightly longer than it’s height. Legs: Forelegs set wide apart and straight, with hind legs
being well muscled. Feet: Medium size, well arched and compact. Tail: Short in comparison to the body, tapered to a point.
Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
23-American Staffordshire Terrier Group: Mastiff
Height: 16½-19½ In. Weight: 37-58 Lbs. Coat: Short, Dense And Smooth, With Slight Gloss.
Color: All Colors Permissible, Solid, Party Or Patched.
Standard: Head: Medium length with broad skull, very powerful cheek muscles and distinct stop. Eyes: Dark, round, deep-set
and set wide apart. Ears: Set high, half pricked or rose. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and
self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Thick, medium length, and slightly arched. Chest: Deep, with
ribs close together and well sprung. Body: Moderately short, sloping from withers to loins. Legs: Forelegs set wide apart
and straight, with hind legs being well muscled. Feet: Medium size, well arched and compact. Tail: Short in comparison to
the body, tapered to a point. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
24-American Water Spaniel Group: Gun Dog
Height: 14½-18½ In. Weight: 22-48 Lbs. Coat: Thick, Tight Curls, But Not Coarse.
Color: Liver, Brown Or Dark Chocolate
Standard: Head: Medium length, with a full and broad skull. Eyes: Slightly rounded and set well apart. Ears: Wide and
long, set slightly above the eye line. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according
to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Strong, muscular, medium length and arched. Top line: Level or sloping slightly. Chest:
Ribs well sprung. Body: Sturdy and muscular, but not too compact. Legs: Forelegs are medium in length and straight. Hind legs
are well-developed, powerful and full of strength. Feet: Webbed and well-padded, with toes grouped closely together. Tail:
Medium length and slightly curved. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very
25-Anatolian Mastiff Group: Mastiff
Height: 27-32 In. Weight: 175-200 Lbs. Coat: Dense, Short And Thick
Color: Fawn, Varying From Very Light To Nearly Apricot And Brindle, Both With Black Mask. Standard: Head: Wide, heavy
and rectangular in shape. Eyes: Small, dark hazel in color. Ears: Rounded and set high on head. Muzzle: Wide and well tapered.
Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Powerful, muscular, medium length and slightly
arched. Chest: Deep, broad and well-rounded, descending to the level of elbows. Ribs are well-sprung and extend well back.
Body: Back is level, muscular and powerful, with well-muscled and slightly arched loins. Legs: Forelegs are strong, straight
and set well apart. Hind legs are wide and parallel. Feet: Round and compact, with arched toes and black nails. Tail: Long,
reaching the hocks. Movement: Strong and driving, yet very agile. Temperament: Protective and aloof with strangers.
26-Anatolian Shepherd Dog Group: Flock Guard
Other Names: Anatolian Karabash Dog Height: 26-32 In. Weight: 75-150 Lbs.
Coat: Straight, Hard And Thick; Short To Medium Length. Color: Black-Masked Fawns, Brindles, Tricolors, Whites, Chamois,
& Blacks.
Standard: Head: Large, but in proportion to the body. Eyes: Medium in size and set apart, with black and almond-shaped
eye rims. Ears: Triangular in shape, measuring about 4 inches at base and 5 inches in length. Muzzle: Medium size and well
proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Powerful, muscular, slightly
arched, and of medium length. Chest: Deep with a well sprung ribcage. Body: Back is level and slopes downward at the croup.
Legs: Forelegs are long and set straight, with hind legs appearing parallel when viewed from behind. Feet: Strong and compact,
with well-arched toes and thick pads. Tail: Long and carried low with end curled over. Movement: Good reach, with well-balanced
movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
* Anatolian Shepherds were once used as combat dogs & for hunting big game.
27-Anglo-francais De Moyen Venerie Group: Hound
Other Names: Large French-English Hound Height: 24-27 In. Weight: 60-80 Lbs.
Coat: Smooth And Short Color: Black And White, Orange And White, Or Tricolor.
Standard: Head: Moderate in comparison to the body. Eyes: Dark in color. Ears: Long, with generous ear leather, and appear
to spring from head. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite:
Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, strong, carried erect, and arched. Top line: Level. Chest: Deep and narrow, with well-sprung
ribs. Body: Moderately long, muscular, and strong back. Legs: Forelegs should be straight. Hind legs should be strong and
muscular with plenty of propelling power. Feet: Fox-like, with hard, full pad. Tail: Carried cheerfully with a slight curve.
Movement: Good reach, with well-balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
28-Anglo-francais De Petite Venerie Group: Hound
Other Names: Small French-English Hound, Petit Anglo-Francais
Height: 16-18 In. Weight: 35-44 Lbs. Coat: Smooth And Short. Color: Black And White, Orange And White, Or Tricolor.
Standard: Head: Small in comparison to the body. Eyes: Dark in color. Ears: Medium in size and appear to spring from
head. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or
level. Neck: Medium length, strong, carried erect, and arched. Top line: Level. Chest: Deep and narrow, with well-sprung ribs.
Body: Moderately long, muscular, and strong back. Legs: Forelegs should be straight. Hind legs should be strong and muscular
with plenty of propelling power. Feet: Fox-like, with hard, full pad. Tail: Carried cheerfully with a slight curve. Movement:
Good reach, with well-balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
29-Anglo-françois, Grand Group: Hound
Other Names: Large French-English Hound Height: 24-27 In. Weight: 60-80 Lbs.
Coat: Smooth And Short Color: Black And White, Orange And White, Or Tricolor.
Standard: Head: Moderate in comparison to the body. Eyes: Dark in color. Ears: Long, with generous ear leather, and appear
to spring from head. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite:
Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, strong, carried erect, and arched. Top line: Level. Chest: Deep and narrow, with well-sprung
ribs. Body: Moderately long, muscular, and strong back. Legs: Forelegs should be straight. Hind legs should be strong and
muscular with plenty of propelling power. Feet: Fox-like, with hard, full pad. Tail: Carried cheerfully with a slight curve.
Movement: Good reach, with well-balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.
30-Appenzeller Group: Hound
Other Names: Large French-English Hound Height: 24-27 In. Weight: 60-80 Lbs.
Coat: Smooth And Short Color: Black And White, Orange And White, Or Tricolor.
Standard: Head: Moderate in comparison to the body. Eyes: Dark in color. Ears: Long, with generous ear leather, and appear
to spring from head. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite:
Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length, strong, carried erect, and arched. Top line: Level. Chest: Deep and narrow, with well-sprung
ribs. Body: Moderately long, muscular, and strong back. Legs: Forelegs should be straight. Hind legs should be strong and
muscular with plenty of propelling power. Feet: Fox-like, with hard, full pad. Tail: Carried cheerfully with a slight curve.
Movement: Good reach, with well-balanced movement. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement
31-Argentino Dogo Group: Mastiff
Other Names: Dogo Argentino, Argentinean Mastiff Height: 24-27 In. Weight: 75-110 Lbs.
Coat: Short, Smooth And Thick. Color: White
Standard: Head: Broad between ears, with a rounded skull. Eyes: Dark brown or dark hazel, with the border of the eyelids
flesh color or dark. Ears: Cropped close and well set at the top of the head. Muzzle: Wide and well tapered. Nose: Black and
self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Thick and arched softly. Chest: Wide with the sternum being
just under the level of the elbow. Body: Strong back; sloping to the rump. Legs: Forelegs straight and strong, with hind legs
having very muscular thighs. Feet: Short toes, very close together. Tail: Long and thick, covered with short hair. The tail
should fall naturally when at rest, and carried high when moving. Movement: Strong and driving, yet very agile. Temperament:
Protective and aloof with strangers.
32-Ariegeois Group: Hound
Height: 24-27 In. Weight: 63-70 Lbs. Coat: Smooth And Short. Color: Tricolor, With Black & Tan Primarily On The Head.
The Body Is Essentially White With Few Body Patches Allowed.
Standard: Head: Lean and elongated, without wrinkles. Eyes: Dark in color and gentle. Ears: Soft, medium length and cone
shaped. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck:
Slender and slightly arched. Chest: Deep and narrow, with well-sprung ribs. Body: Moderately long, muscular, and strong back
that slopes down at rump. Legs: Forelegs should be straight. Hind legs should be strong and muscular with plenty of propelling
power. Feet: Fox-like, with hard, full pad. Tail: Carried with a slight curve. Movement: Good reach, with well-balanced movement.
Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited, with good movement
33-Armant Group: Herding
Other Names: Ermenti, Egyptian Sheepdog, Chien De Berger Egyptian
Height: 21-23 In. Weight: 50-65 Lbs. Coat: Long, Rough And Shaggy Color: Black, Black & Tan, Gray, And Grayish Yellow.
Standard: Head: Broad, with a strong muzzle. Eyes: Small, round and dark in color. Ears: Prick or drop. Muzzle: Medium
size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length
and strong. Chest: Deep and broad, with well-sprung ribs. Body: Straight back, well tucked belly. Legs: Forelegs are straight
and strong. Hind legs are powerful, with hocks well bent. Feet: Small and compact, with arched toes and thick pads. Tail:
Long with curl or docked. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing to please.
34-Aryan Mollossus Group: Mastiff
Height: 17-20 In. Weight: Up To 200 Lbs. Coat: Short, Plushy And Thick; Abundant Undercoat.
Color: Dark Sables, Not Much White.
Standard: Head: Fairly broad and rounded. Eyes: Medium sized and dark in color. Ears: Carried close to cheeks, high set.
Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level.
Neck: Medium length and powerful. Topline: Level. Chest: Deep and broad, with ribs well sprung. Body: Well-built and heavy,
extremely large. Legs: Straight, powerful, and well muscled. Feet: Large, compact, thick pads. Tail: Held high, loosely curled
over back. Movement: Strong and driving, yet very agile. Temperament: Protective and aloof with strangers.
35-Australian Cattle Dog Group: Herding
Other Names: Australian Queensland Heeler, Blue Heeler, Red Heeler
Height: 17-20 In. Weight: 35-50 Lbs. Coat: Straight, Hard And Medium-Short Color: Blue Speckled W/ Black, Blue Or Tan
Markings On Head; And Red Speckled With Darker Red Markings On Head. Standard: Head: Medium size, with rounded skull.
Eyes: Medium sized and oval shape. Ears: Broad at the base, set wide apart on the head and of medium size. Muzzle: Medium
and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length and extremely
strong. Chest: Deep and muscular, with well-sprung ribs. Body: Level back that slopes at rump. Legs: Forelegs should be perfectly
straight when viewed from the front. Hind legs are broad, strong, muscular and straight from the hocks to the feet when viewed
from the back. Feet: Round with short toes. Tail: Medium length with a slight curve. Movement: Swift and very agile, with
flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable.
36-Australian Kelpie Group: Herding
Other Names: Kelpie, Barb Height: 17-20 In. Weight: 20-40 Lbs. Coat: Short, Smooth And Thick Color: Black, Red, Blue,
And Fawn; With Or Without Tan.
Standard: Head: Proportioned to the size of the body. Eyes: Average size and almond-shaped. Ears: Moderate length, set
wide apart and pointed at tip. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite:
Scissor or level. Neck: Strong and slightly arched. Chest: Deep with well-sprung ribs. Body: Shoulders should be muscular
and sloped. Back is straight with broad and strong loins. Legs: Forelegs should be straight when viewed from the front, and
hind legs should have well turned stifles. Feet: Round and strong with thick pads, well-arched toes and strong short nails.
Tail: Hangs with a slight curve. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited, yet very lovable
37-Australian Shepherd Group: Herding
Height: 18-23 In. Weight: 30-70 Lbs. Coat: Straight To Slightly Wavy; With Thick Undercoat.
Color: Blue Merle, Red Merle, Black, Liver, Red; With Or Without White And/Or Tan Markings. Standard: Head: Skull
slightly rounded and proportioned in size with the body. Eyes: Almond-shaped and of moderate size. Ears: Set high on the side
of the head and are of moderate size. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat.
Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length and slightly arched at crest. Chest: Deep and strong, with well-sprung ribs. Body:
Firm and muscular, with top line appearing level. Legs: Forelegs should be straight, with pasterns showing a slight angle
when viewed from the side. Hind legs have clearly defined stifles. Feet: Oval shaped and compact, with well-arched toes. Tail:
Straight, but not to exceed 4 inches. Natural bobtail or docked. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament:
High-spirited, yet very lovable.
38-Australian Shepherd - Miniature Group: Herding
Height: 14-18 In. Weight: 20-50 Lbs. Coat: Straight To Slightly Wavy; With Thick Undercoat.
Color: Blue Merle, Red Merle, Black, Liver, Red; With Or Without White And/Or Tan Markings. Standard: Head: Skull
slightly rounded and proportioned in size with the body. Eyes: Almond-shaped and of moderate size. Ears: Set high on the side
of the head and are of moderate size. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat.
Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length and slightly arched at crest. Chest: Deep and strong, with well-sprung ribs. Body:
Firm and muscular, with top line appearing level. Legs: Forelegs should be straight, with pasterns showing a slight angle
when viewed from the side. Hind legs have clearly defined stifles. Feet: Oval shaped and compact, with well-arched toes. Tail:
Straight, but not to exceed 4 inches. Natural bobtail or docked. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament:
High-spirited, yet very lovable
39-Australian Silky Terrier Group: Terrier
Other Names: Silky Terrier, Sydney Silky, Silky Toy Terrier Height: 9 In. Weight: 8-11 Lbs.
Coat: Long (5-6 Inches), Fine And Silky; Glossy Color: Blue And Tan
Standard: Head: Strong and wedge shaped, moderately long. Skull is flat and moderately broad between ears. Eyes: Small
and dark. Ears: Pricked, small, v-shaped, erect, set high. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black
and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Medium length and gracefully arched. Chest: Medium width
and extending down to elbows. Body: Compact, back line is straight. Legs: Forelegs are strong, straight and fine-boned. Hind
legs are well muscled and strong, but do not appear heavy. Feet: Round, compact, small, cat-like. Tail: Erect or semi erect,
set high. Movement: Smooth flowing gait, with graceful movements. Temperament: Alert, and a good family pet.
40-Australian Terrier Group: Terrier
Height: 9-11 In. Weight: 10-14 Lbs. Coat: Straight And Hard, About 2-3 Inches Long.
Color: Blue/Tan, Blue/Black, Light Sand, Reddish Sand, And Silver/Gray.
Standard: Head: Long head of medium width. Eyes: Small and dark. Ears: Erect or folded forward, set high towards the
back of head. Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor
or level. Neck: Short in length with a slight arch. Chest: Moderately deep and wide, with well sprung ribs. Body: Built solid,
with back appearing level. Legs: Forelegs should be straight, with hind legs appearing straight when viewed from the rear.
When viewed from the side, the stifles are bent moderately. Feet: Small and cat-like, with toes compact and arched. Feet are
nicely padded. Tail: Docked at 3-4 inches. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited,
yet very lovable.
41-Austrian Brandlbracke Group: Hound
Other Names: Osterreichischer Glatthaariger Bracke, Austrian Smooth-Haired Hound, Austri
Height: 18-23 In. Weight: 33-50 Lbs. Coat: Short, Thick And Shiny Color: Black/Tan & Red; White Marks On Neck, Chest,
And Feet Are Allowed.
Standard: Head: High forehead and very straight muzzle. Eyes: Chestnut in color. Ears: Rounded at the tips and hanging
close to the cheeks. Muzzle: Medium and tapering to a point. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor
or level. Neck: Moderate in length and very strong. Chest: Long, fairly broad and very deep, with long ribcage. Body: Long
back with slight dip behind the withers. Legs: Forelegs are perpendicular and well angled in relation to the shoulder. Hind
legs are broad and muscular, with hocks straight and strong. Feet: Round and strong, with compact, arched toes and tough pads.
Tail: Low but carried high when in search of game. Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait. Temperament: High-spirited,
yet very lovable.
42-Austrian Shorthaired Pincher Group: Terrier
Other Names: Osterreocjoscjer Kurzhaariger Pinscher Height: 14-20 In. Weight: 25-40 Lbs.
Coat: Short And Smooth Color: Black/Tan, Red, Brindle, Fawn; Almost Always With White Markings. Standard: Head: Pear
shaped with relatively short, yet powerful, muzzle. Eyes: Medium size, round and dark in color. Ears: Bat-like, set high on
head and folded forward. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or level. Neck: Short, strong and slightly
arched. Chest: Barrel shaped, that appears to be wider than it is long, when viewed from the front. Body: Back is short, strong
and level, with loins appearing tucked up. Legs: Forelegs are straight and firm. Hind legs are bent moderately at stifles
and hocks. Feet: Small, round and pointing straight forward with compact, arched toes. Tail: Docked or left curled over the
back. Movement: Quick, yet well balanced movements. Temperament: Fearless, loyal, and willing to please
43-Azawakh Group: Southern
Other Names: Tuareg Sloughi, Azawakh Hound Height: 23-29 In. Weight: 35-55 Lbs.
Coat: Very Short And Smooth Color: Sable, Brown, Light Fawn, And Red, With White Markings. Standard: Head: Slender
and pear-shaped, having no fewer than 5 warts. Eyes: Large and dark, appearing sad. Ears: Triangular in shape with rounded
tips, falling against the head. Muzzle: Long and narrow. Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat. Bite: Scissor or
level. Neck: Medium length and set well at the shoulders. Chest: Good depth with spring in ribs. Body: Back appears level
from shoulders to the loin. Legs: Forelegs are strong and straight, with the hind legs having good stifle angulations. Feet:
Small and compact, with close, arched toes. Tail: Thin and curled. Movement: Swift, but agile. Temperament: Energetic, free-spirited,
with good movement